Caracol Internacional: In 20 years we have engaged viewers beyond Colombia thanks to our channel’s production boom

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| July 12, 2023

Alejandro Bernal de Caracol TV.

Caracol Televisión’s international channel celebrated its first 20 years on the air, during this time it has reached countries such as the US, Canada, Spain, and the vast majority of Latin American territories, with programming that mixes some of the most recognized productions of the Colombian company, including entertainment, news, tourism, lifestyle, well-being shows, among others.

Alejandro Bernal, Manager of Caracol Televisión’s New Channels, pointed out that when the channel began, the audience was almost entirely Colombians living in other nations, but that over time this has changed: “There have been 20 years of growth and we have managed to engage viewers from many parts of the world, beyond Colombia. We were more a niche channel and the audience was beginning to learn and educate themselves on how international channels work. Today, it’s much more consolidated and we receive many comments and calls from people who are not Colombian, but who see Caracol’s proposal as very good television.”

He explained that this is the result of the boom in Caracol production. “Someone who experiences one of our productions on cable, satellite, or platform channel, later recognizes on our channel the Caracol label, gives themselves a chance to us and stays with us.”

The international channel of Caracol Televisión has programs, which are not included on the national network. One of the most successful is América 360, an informative magazine with the most relevant news from the American continent, which is produced in collaboration with the Latin American Information Alliance, which gathers 24 channels in 22 countries in Latin America, Spain, the US, and the Caribbean.

“We put together a weekly newscast and we deliver that product to our allies, who also broadcast it in their countries of origin. It is important because we have managed to create two-way relationships with many channels and many allies in the region,” said Bernal.

He highlighted some Colombian’s producers’ programs from different local regions within the Caracol Internacional schedule, such as Diana Álvarez, with 15 years on El Diario de Diana, a well-being television format; Adolfo Sanjuanello with Las Mujeres de mi Tierra, a program that highlights the best of Colombian women; Rafael Poveda with Testigo Directo, a program on current affairs; Alexandra Rosai, who makes La Dolce Vita, a space featuring real-life stories of people from all over the world; or Juan Carlos Solarte and Maritza Mantilla who do Travesía, a travel and tourism format. “They are producers who have grown with us. Many have been with us for more than ten years and this gives us great satisfaction.”

Regarding this programming, forged over the years, he pointed out that the challenge has been and is enormous because, given the nature of the channel, they can never let down their guard because during the day there is always someone on prime time: “Our 2pm is 8pm from Spain; our midnight is 9pm in LA, and they all want to see cool products.”

To conclude he said that they hope to be closer to the viewers, knowing their tastes and what they want to see, because “our duty is that when a person turns on the television and tunes in to Caracol Televisión’s international channel, there is a good program on display.”

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