Caracol TV: News must be on the platforms without losing its rigor nor the brand’s essence

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 8 de abril de 2022

Marcelo Liberini de Caracol

During the panel “Digital Journalism and the incorporation of the video” of the Malaga Festival, Marcelo Liberini, digital VP of Caracol Television, said that it is necessary to be on all platforms without losing the rigor of the news or the essence of the brand, although sometimes it could be an unmanageable universe.

The panel was moderated by Toni Mostazo, and it also included Daniel McArena, Ac2ality; Bastián Manintveld, 2BTube, and Emilio Pila, Twitter Next.

“Despite digital journalism seems like second-rate journalism, it is journalism. When we talk of journalism broadcast and narrated on digital platforms, this entails other demands, because we represent our brands, highly respected and traditional for the audiences, in this case from Colombia, which are benchmarks of newsworthiness in the country. So when you move to digital platforms you cannot lose the essence or the journalistic rigor of your brand,” he said.

According to Liberini at some point, it was thought that the world of digital video would end up concentrating on two platforms: YouTube and Facebook. But that consolidation disappeared and it began to atomize again. “Instagram came along, the short formats, with TikTok, the Instagram reels, with YouTube shorts, Twitch, among others.”

“You have to be everywhere because if you want your brand to gain visibility in the digital universe, you cannot avoid being on all platforms, or at least on those that reach audiences in your main country,” he said. However, there is the risk that they will begin to dilute. The content of the main platform (in this case television) must be adapted to the digital world and to each specific platform. “Otherwise you will become irrelevant, and others who do better will capture the interest of those audiences,” he explained.

He said that Caracol tries to be on all platforms. “Our last strong presence has been on TikTok, which seemed it was not a platform for journalistic content. However, in this panel, we’ve listened to the experience of Ac2ality, which is admirable, because it does journalism in a different way, without losing its essence on these platforms. In the case of Caracol, TikTok requested our presence. We moved our 24-hour live streaming news signal to TikTok and it is going very well. We are also working on Twitch, with content oriented to our gaming and esports brands, but we will be taking our sports and radio brands,” he said.

Finally, he commented that the audio ends up crossing with the video, and vice versa. “For example, another initiative that we are preparing is our strong presence in the world of podcasts, and podcasts will be branded and contain content from all of our news and entertainment brands, brought to all audio platforms. But then, from that audio, we will make a video podcast, so that audio is transferred to the video platform.”

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