Carlos Vasallo of Cine Nostalgia and Cine Estelar: I believe that movies are resources

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| September 4, 2012

Carlos Vasallo, president and CEO of Cine Nostalgia and Cine Estelar chatted with PRODU about the importance of movies and their impact nowadays. “Something that not many people realize is what a movie can do to a person and society in general. I watch a film not only as a form of entertainment, but as a means to look at prior or current events in a different light. There is not a single movie that I have seen that I have not learned something from. I acknowledge that not all films are of great quality or relevancy, but thinking of the great productions of all times, movies that made history and more contemporary movies, each of those films tell you a story, every movie has a meaning and every filmmaker, producer or director wants you to see what they saw, feel what they felt and rationalize what their thinking process was or what the values of the society at the time were, as well as many other perspectives. I believe that movies are resources, brings us experiences and stories that are part and shaped to some degree many of our own experiences,” said Vasallo. Vasallo has the largest portfolio of Mexican movies of all times, great productions and a library with titles of invaluable significance. His portfolio include titles such as Madre Querida, La Ley del Monte, Mi Querido Viejo, México de mis Recuerdos, El Día del Compadre, Manaos, Bellas de Noche, Las Ficheras, Ahora Soy Rico, Un Rico Cerca del Cielo, and many more.

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