Laurine Garaude and Lucy Smith, director and sub-director of the Television Division at Reed Midem respectively, announced from MIPCOM 2019, the changes in image and structure for the upcoming edition of MIPTV 2020 to be held from March 30 to April 2 next year.
”After extensive consultation with our clients and with the industry, we have decided to make these changes, the same way the TV industry is changing. The industry needs a more flexible event, with a better cost-effectivity relation, and what´s more important more buyers,” explained Garaude.
”We have 3,300 buyers this year, but the industry wants more and of greater quality. With market intelligence, and filtering that information, we are going to find quality buyers,” he insisted.
Another of the changes, that has to do with the architectural and distribution structure and design is that the three main rooms will be used, Palais -1, Riviera 7 and Riviera 8 to foster exchange, and networking spaces and one-to-one meetings, making the most out of these spaces.
For his part, Smith pointed out that they are working to get more buyers through broadcasters and VOD platforms, and confirmed that more than 230 top buyers are registered.
”Another of the important changes we will have are four-and-a-half-hour spaces each day when there will be no conferences, to dedicate that time to content screening so that everyone can enjoy the event without missing anything,” reported Smith.