Cine Nostalgia and Cine Estelar join to support Verizon FiOS TV’s online advertising initiatives in the Hispanic market

March 13, 2012

Carlos Vasallo, president and CEO of Cine Nostalgia, Cine Estelar and other companies of related entertainment, spoke with PRODU about Cine Nostalgia and Cine Estelar joining to support Verizon FiOS TV’s online advertising initiatives in the Hispanic market. “It is a great honor to join and support Verizon FiOS TV and its agency, Lopez Negrete, in Verizon’s interactive initiatives. At the end of 2011, we produced a webvideo that supported their interactive and viral marketing efforts, which reported excellent results based on their interactive audience measurements. Now, with the launch of Cine Estelar on Verizon FiOS TV, we continue developing new pieces to boost Verizon FiOS TV online actions, which is focused on strengthening their image, brand and growth in the market” Vasallo mentioned.Vasallo shared a video with PRODU that focuses on the concept of abundance of films, genres and more of what the viewers want to see.

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