Cinépolis Klic: Advertising model in which we offer certain contents to brands represents an important business

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| October 27, 2021

Panel Desafios del Cine y contenido premium directo al consumidor NexTV SeriesMexico

Jaqueline González, Subdirector of Cinépolis Klic, highlighted that the platform has reached an important business volume through certain catalogs with their content partners who can offer brands a pre-roll space and give us access to a different audience” expressed González in her participation in the panel The Challenges of D2C Cinema and Premium Content on the second day of NexTV Series Mexico.

Esteban Borras, Sales VP at Playboy TV – Claxson Latin America & Iberia; Diego Gallego, Head of Growth at Blim TV; Javier Martínez Ramirez, Project Leader at Imcine; and Sergio Osorio, Sales Director for Latin America at Verimatrix, were on the panel together with González.

González commented that the platform has the most important film festivals in Mexico and they have added the main SVODs, such as BabyFirst, Paramount+, and HBO Max, among others. They also offer live sports streaming and are now focusing on concerts and theater events for which they have exclusive rights through alliances with record companies, and others.

Martínez from Imcine commented that, during the pandemic in 2020, the platform came into the radar of many users and festivals that did not know it. “We closed 2020 with more than 200 collaborations with festivals and now that we have returned to face-to-face events, we continue with these alliances because these events are hybrid,” he said.

Borras from Playboy said they are very flexible with the service, whether it is for consumers to subscribe directly with them or through the platform of their preference. “The key strategy is to be where the subscribers want to be” he sentenced.

Diario de Hoy

jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2024


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