Claxson: We will distribute Hustler, Hustler Mature HD, XTSY, Juicy, Ten and VOD content in LatAm that add to our offer

Cynthia Plohn| February 21, 2024

Esteban Borrás, Claxson: With the agreement, we are consolidating all the brands and putting together a competitive package of signals

Claxson incorporated into its Latin America offering the signals of LFP Broadcasting, which include Hustler (which celebrates its 50th anniversary this year), Hustler Mature HD, XTSY, Juicy, Ten, and all its VOD content, all with a wide variety of genres, and which adds to the company’s offering: Playboy, Venus, Sextreme, Penthouse, Sexyhot, and HOTGO.TV.

“Our strong presence in all territories and the joint work we do locally with each operator will benefit both companies. With this agreement, we are consolidating all the brands and putting together a competitive package of signals. In this way, the subscriber can access a pack with great diversity of content for a much lower price than if they had to contract these signals separately. Subscribers will also have access to Hotgo.tv, which has over 4,000 content, daily premieres, and three streaming channels. In this way, leaving aside the competition, we are benefiting the subscriber by operating with a product that does not exist in the rest of the world,” Esteban Borrás, VP of Commercial and Marketing of Claxson, explained to PRODU.

Borrás considers that there are still many taboos in several countries in the region when it comes to communicating and exposing their content, which makes it very difficult for subscribers to find their offer and, therefore, contract it.

“We know that when operators and platforms work together on communication strategies, the level of product penetration is higher. The technological possibilities that the operator has for contracting our package are also decisive; in many cases, they still depend on the subscriber calling a call center or sending an email to purchase, and this is a disadvantage for this type of product.”

“Therefore, we still have a lot to grow as operators implement rapid contracting options, develop their VOD platforms, and integrate HOTGO into their OTTs,” he noted.

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