Comcast NBCUniversal: This Upfront marked the company’s strongest digital marketplace

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 16 de julio de 2021

Linda Yaccarino de NBCUniversal Upfront

Comcast NBCUniversal detailed the company’s success in the 2021-22 Upfront marketplace, showcasing the strength of a new era of premium video advertising defined by seismic shifts in consumption, competition, and capabilities.

“Consumers ignited a creative and technological revolution, and the marketplace finally reflects it. Comcast NBCUniversal is creating an advertising marketplace for an entirely new era, defined by the massive technological and philosophical shifts we’ve seen across our industry this year. From broadband to aggregation to streaming, our company not only meets this moment – it was made for it,” said Linda Yaccarino, Chairman, Global Advertising & Partnerships, NBCUniversal.

The 2021-22 Upfront marketplace demonstrated the impact of Comcast NBCUniversal’s continued commitment and investment in the content, talent, technology, data, and innovation that unites marketers and audiences through powerful and inclusive storytelling. This marketplace marked the company’s strongest digital marketplace and for the first time included enterprise partnerships with Comcast.

Some of the highlights are:

-First company-wide, local, national, and global marketplace, giving marketers new ways to reach and connect with almost 700 million people and unrivaled access to the biggest moments on every screen across Comcast, NBCUniversal, and Sky.

-The biggest marketplace in the company’s history, delivering double-digit percent increases in Volume and Price across all company assets.

-Biggest growth opportunity across key categories, with massive increases in investments across a variety of verticals, including Movie Studios; Travel; Technology, Social & Streaming; Financial; and Pharmaceuticals.

-First automated, all audience, all screen next-gen marketplace, with 90% adoption of One Platform audience automation and guarantees across digital, streaming, and linear. AdSmart doubled in volume year-over-year, and all major agency partners signed on for NBCU Audience Insights Hub integrations.

-Biggest digital marketplace gave businesses to scale across all digital channels and incredible demand for premium AVOD streamer Peacock. All equating to more than US$1.5B in sales, a 67% year-over-year growth.

-First premier streaming marketplace, with Peacock entering the market and securing more than US$500M in Upfront commitments alone just one year since is nationwide launch.

-Biggest culture-forward marketplace, with marketers embracing content and partnerships that connect with audiences of all backgrounds and interests – from Spanish-language programming on Telemundo to exclusive opportunities with minority-owned businesses like ReachTV.

-Biggest sports marketplace, bringing together a “Once in a Lifetime” lineup of can’t-miss moments resulting in unparalleled pacing across the Olympic Winter Games and the Super Bowl, with the Super Bowl LVI 85 percent sold and Sunday Night Football hitting record highs.

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