Comcast: There are many surprises to come for the Hispanic sector

May 24, 2012

Under his new title as VP and general manager of Multicultural Video Services for Comcast, Rubén Mendiola is undergoing multiple interesting projects. “This is a new division that didn’t exist before in the company that supervises everything that is done at the multicultural level. Obviously, a big part is the Hispanic sector, which we’re preparing to offer new surprises to subscribers and clients, starting with the Olympic Games” Mendiola said to PRODU. For the Olympics, Comcast has prepared extensive coverage in Spanish. “There’s a lot of content of Latino athletes that will be covered, as well as other related content important to this audience”. After the Olympic Games, Comcast will be revamping the Hispanic section, and with these changes comes the launch of new channels. “They’re strong and positive changes that will be completed during July and August. We’re also bettering the services for the client. We’re in a very important moment. The Hispanics are a very big group, and Comcast is preparing itself because in less than eight years, one out four persons in the 18 to 34 demographic will be Hispanic”. For Mendiola, the Hispanic segment has always been a priority. “With the resources and the reach that Comcast has created, there are many great things that we can do this year”.