Daniel Sarcos: Entertainment has been entertainment since humanity existed, what changes is how it is broadcast

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| August 2, 2024

Sarcos: I am a child of TV, and despite its transformation, for me, it remains the mother of audiovisual media

For Daniel Sarcos, a Venezuelan host with extensive experience in entertainment shows like Sábado Sensacional, La Guerra de los Sexos, and Despierta América, the transformation of TV and the increasing international reach of content is not surprising.

“I had the opportunity to be part of universal and international content. We would have saved a lot of work if satellites and transmission methods had been invented when I started La Guerra de los Sexos so many years ago. La Guerra de los Sexos became the number one Spanish-language TV show, except in Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay, which are different. We traveled the continent with Miss Venezuela. Sábado Sensacional was an international program before the first streamer was created, and the Internet was still very new,” Sarcos told PRODU.

Sarcos added that TV is not made exclusively for one country. “You don’t make Argentine TV or Puerto Rican TV or Mexican TV or South American TV. You make good or bad television. All our work belongs to us until we broadcast it, and then we lose control of everything. The audience decides what happens next.”


“Entertainment has been entertainment since humanity existed, the way it has changed is in how it is broadcast, each form has its codes, and one adapts. I have seen how traditional TV has transformed, how local TV became regional and then global. I think we must respect the codes with which this is done. The formats don’t lose relevance, and the world of sports and news remains important because it is delivered immediately,” he said.

He declared himself in love with TV. “I am a child of TV, and despite the transformation, it remains the mother of audiovisual media for me. I am still in love and always reaffirm this. I am in love with TV,” he said.

He recently recounted being interviewed on a podcast, telling the producers that the only thing missing was a camera to make it television.

“I told them: four cameramen, an audio technician, a lighting technician, and we would become a TV interview program. I reaffirm that entertainment is entertainment; what changes is how you watch it. You have to be clear about that, and I treat them with much love and respect, knowing they are extraordinary talents. I acknowledged that the contribution and work of this new generation are much more valuable than what I did. I always had an army of people taking care of everything. In contrast, this new generation of communicators finds their guests, creates their questions, finds a set, decorates it themselves, and lights it following YouTube tips. After the interview, they make the coffee, give you water, and are the ones who find you in the parking lot to bring you to the apartment where they record.”

Diario de Hoy

lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2024


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