Developing new franchises with Mobius.Lab for VePlus

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| October 30, 2020

Carlos Cabrera Cisneros

According to Carlos Cabrera, Sales VP of Pay TV at Cisneros Media, working for a pan-regional signal such as VePlus that caters to all the Spanish-speaking countries and the US, it is necessary to constantly monitor and adjust work mechanisms.

“At Cisneros Media, we are committed to our audience, subscribers, advertisers, human team, and talent. Some of our programs have migrated successfully to production “from home”, which has allowed us to keep the screen fresh. Additionally, we are developing new franchises together with our Mobius.Lab unit that allows us to adjust to the new reality, always maintaining our signal´s entertainment value and our production standards,” comments Cabrera.

He explained that VePlus has always been very close to the audience and in these times when many people have been forced to spend more time at home, they have seen how the tune in to programs and the number of homes that are connected with them has increased. And they have worked very hard.

When consulted on the strategy they have used for clients and advertisers, he said: “In these times of uncertainty, we have worked very close to our advertisers to offer them the flexibility they need, we have seen that many services and products designed for consumption from home have managed to capitalize on the signal´s growing audience.”

Diario de Hoy (15)