Dopamine: 2018 will be a year of intense seeking and creation

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| November 16, 2017

Fidela Navarro, CEO of the new production company Dopamine, attended the PRODU MX launching event last Thursday November 9, and from there, in an interview, EN VIVO with Richard Izarra, Editor-in-Chief, stated that 2018 will be the year to get to work. “We are shooting María Magdalena, and starting to get underway, which is the most important thing after the Benjamín Salinas´ announcement at Mipcom. We are fascinated because 2018 is going to be a year of intense seeking and creation, and I hope that many will take part in our projects,” she said.

María Fernanda Yepes, whom also attended the PRODU event, will represent María Magdalena, the series Dopamine is starting its production activities, together with Sony. “The announcement of Dopamine was a great surprise for the industry, and more so since it is starting with Sony. It is a different bet and the starting point because there are many more projects underway” she said.

Regarding PRODU, she expressed that it is the ideal media to inform executives in the television industry in the region. “It is the media we all wake up with and check to see if there are any extras. There is nothing like an extra. And we have seen them grow very much in terms of teams, talents, depth of their press notes, interviews. They imprint them with excitement and competitiveness. They are big and I am grateful to share these nice moments with you” she said.