Fidela Navarro, CEO of Dopamine, said several novelties on #VisitaPRODU: she announced the launch of their new web and stated that they will start to do cinema and entertainment production, as well as produce in Spain with the aim to reach the European market. They will soon reveal the new series to be made after the alliance with DRG.
She explained that they were very lucky to not have projects in production at the time of the quarantine. They are currently following their calendars: delivery of Amarres 2, preparing a dark comedy they will soon announce, as well as Coyotl. “We are working on our first shooting in Spain looking ahead at the OTT market, but focused on Europe. We are also preparing two films and some entertainment, which hasn´t been our focus, but we have been working for months,” she said.
Navarro stated feeling enthusiastic, but the industry is creative and will know how to find a way out of the situation that arrives after the pandemic has passed, at the same time she mentioned that there is a reordering. “It is reengineering of the industry itself, an opportunity to re-orient ourselves and focus more on projects, to be more selective,” he said, after commenting on what has happened in the last months in terms of the unbridled production was mad. “This lockdown offers us some important time to reflect”.
She commented that the industry should do more lobby to find help with governments, mainly for the sectors that are going through a bad moment right now and for the recovery, once the quarantine is over.
Watch #VisitaPRODU with Fidela Navarro from Dopamine