El Mall’s Gossip girl Acapulco will be distributed first on Televisa’s online video service Veo

Marcela Tedesco| July 26, 2013

Actors Vadhir Derbez and Jon Ecker are sons of acclaimed Eugenio Derbez and Guy Ecker

Gossip girl Acapulco, series produced by El Mall for Televisa and Univisión based on the famous Warner Bros. book, is set to become El Mall’s most widely distributed series, launching this month on the new Televisa online video system Veo.Pedro Torres made the announcement to PRODU from his trendy offices in Mexico City, adding he was extremely satisfied with the first season of Gossip girl Acapulco, which has already been finalized and delivered to the broadcasters that acquired it: Golden Premier and TeleHit HD on cable, Televisa’s Channel 5and Univisión’s UniMás on free-TV, and Veo online.He also said that once the initial sales terms expire, John García, VP of Distribution of Warner International TV, will begin to offer the series to international markets.He acknowledged the work of the cast, of director Chavas Cartas, and of the director of photography. Two of the actors singled out by Torres for their performances, Vadhir Derbez and Jon Ecker, are sons of acclaimed actors Eugenio Derbez and Guy Ecker.Torres also announced El Mall is already working on the story arch for a second season, although he says the audience will have the final word.

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