Film script by Carlos Mesber is recognized by six Hollywood festivals

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| June 16, 2017

Carlos Mesber, co-founder and New Business Development director at High Hill Entertainment

Carlos Mesber, co-founder and New Business Development director at High Hill Entertainment, successfully ventures in Hollywood films with his film script Malika, recognized in six important festivals in the industry.

The script won first place in the Script and Storyboard Showcase, was semi-finalist in the Nashville Film Festival and came in second place in drama in the iHolly Film Festival. It was also in the official selection of the Grove Film Festival, nominated for Best Feature Script in the Official 2017 PAMA (Paris Art & Movie Awards) Competition, and selected finalist for Feature Screenplay in The Golden Script Competition.

The success it has obtained has given important visibility to the story of Malika. Mesber is in conversations with a Hollywood producer to make the film in 2018. “I have been planning to enter the world of cinema for a long time and in November last year, after a two year job, I finished it. I am very satisfied and proud of the acknowledgement my work has received in these festivals, that are approved by the Academy and very relevant in the US” expressed Mesner.

Malika is the story of a family from Lebanon that, due to the war, has to migrate to Mexico, where they start a new life. “They go through different situations that somehow prove that we attract everything in life and that everyone has what they need to evolve, grow and achieve their objectives,” he said.

In this work, he has counted on the advising of the renowned Venezuelan scriptwriter and filmmaker Thaelman Urgelles.

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