Cablevisión´s Flow, Supercanal, Red Intercable, Telered, Gigared, Telecentro, Colsecor and TDA are the Argentinean operators that have France 24 in Spanish since Tuesday, September 26.
The signal will air six hours in Spanish, in the morning and in the afternoon, and the rest will be completed with programming in English or in French, depending on the country.
Marie-Christine Saragosse, President and General Director of the group France Médias Monde, was excited with this launch and commented that in the case of Argentina the complementary programming will be in French.
The channel’s studios are in Bogotá, in the Televideo facilities, and for its initiation, a team of more than 30 young journalists from the entire region was hired.
During the event, Santiago Aristía, one of the Argentinean journalists that is part of the channel, commented that before the launch, they attended an intensive training in an academy for a month on how a newscast works and some of the channel´s guidelines.
“It was an amazing experience. Then we worked for an additional month as if the channel was already on the air,” he said.
For his part, Marc Saikali, director of France 24, reported that there will be correspondents in different countries and that the team of journalists is comprised by Argentineans, Mexicans, Colombians, Spaniards, Venezuelans, and Cubans, among others.
The Argentinean Alejo Schapire, who has worked on France 24 Radio from Paris for 15 years, commented there will be interaction between the radio and TV station, as in the case of the interview with personalities, Escala en París.