Gachi Ciurluini from Canela Media was the winner of the VIP 2000 TV and PRODU contest

May 22, 2024

Gachi Ciurluini, VP of Content Strategy at Canela Media flanked by Roxana and Rosalind Rotundo from VIP 2000 TV

Gachi Ciurluini, VP of Content Strategy at Canela Media, was the winner of the VIP 2000 TV and PRODU contest.

“More than 120 people participated in the contest that we have been organizing with PRODU for several years within the framework of LA Screenings. The selection was based on the likes received on the stories that were published over the past 10 days,” said Roxana Rotundo, CEO of VIP 2000 TV. Ciurluini’s wish had to do with inclusivity.

For Rosalind Rotundo, VP of the company, this was the “most beautiful contest because each one expressed the wish of the industry. If we read the wishes of the participants, which are in our Instagram stories, together we can make them come true.”

“My wish is that everyone can contribute, from their own place, with as much or as little as they can, to make this world a little better: a little more tolerance, a little more harmony, and a little more good wishes,” commented Ciurluini.

The second winner was Karina Arbizu, Programming and Acquisitions Manager at TCS.

Diario de Hoy (15)