Hispanic TV Summit dedicated a super session to the 2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar one-year countdown

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 26 de noviembre de 2021

Panel Launching the One Year Countdown to Copa Mundial

A three-part super session was dedicated to the 2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar one-year countdown at the 19th Annual Hispanic Television Summit.

The session began with an exclusive interview of the sportscaster, Andrés Cantor, by Nasser Al-Khater, Executive Director of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, who is the head of the Qatar Host Committee.

This was followed by a brief interview by Joe Schramm from Schramm Marketing Group, organizers of the summit, with Enrique Pérez, President of EP Media Group, who talked about the unique qualities of the 2022 event, such as that this is the first World Cup. which takes place in November and December and the fact that Qatar is within the same time zone. They highlighted that the players will be “fresh” since they do not need to travel for hours to play in the different places since almost all are within a one-hour drive from their hotels.

The final segment of this super session was a panel on Telemundo’s plans for the Spanish-language broadcast of the World Cup. It was moderated by Felipe Cárdenas, editor of The Athletic, and featured Ray Warren, president of Telemundo Deportes; Eli Velásquez, EVP of Sports Content at NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises, and Andrés Cantor, sportscaster and the voice of the World Cup of Telemundo.

Warren disclosed some of Telemundo’s plans for the cross-platform delivery of all of the action in Qatar, while Velázquez shared that the network plans to create new content that will offer an expanded global atmosphere through social interaction with fans.

“Russia’s logistics compared to Qatar was very difficult, and yet we did very well. I think this is going to be a Cup with a more intimate experience. Our team of advertisers will be able to sleep in the same hotel every night,” said Warren.

In the last World Cup, Cantor took 27 flights in a month. “These short distances are priceless for the players and the advertisers. The furthest stadium is a 27- minute drive,” said Cantor.

The sportscaster closed the session predicting that Argentina would win the Cup.

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