IAB Tech Lab Launches “Ad Format Idol” Initiative To Standardize Emerging CTV Ad Formats

October 22, 2024

A new report from IAB highlights the rapid growth of new ad formats in the CTV space

IAB Tech Lab, the global digital advertising technical standards-setting body, announced the launch of its latest initiative, “Ad Format Idol,” aimed at standardizing emerging Connected TV ad formats. This project seeks to define and standardize common ad formats in CTV environments, enabling efficient programmatic transactions and broader adoption across the industry with ‘build once, serve everywhere’ ad formats.

“CTV is experiencing explosive growth, but we’re still in the early innings of figuring out how to make it work at scale,” said Anthony Katsur, CEO, IAB Tech Lab. “The industry is full of new ad formats that show promise but lack the technical standards to take off. ‘Ad Format Idol’ is about cutting through the noise, finding what works, and giving it the structure needed to thrive. As we have done for early web advertising and with digital video, we want to set up the whole CTV ecosystem to succeed.”

A new report from IAB, “IAB CTV Video Ad Format Landscape: How Standardization Can Drive Programmatic Growth and Innovation“, highlights the rapid growth of new ad formats in the CTV space and highlights the urgent need for standardization to support scalability and programmatic growth. Addressing these findings, IAB Tech Lab’s “Ad Format Idol” initiative aims to standardize how to accurately describe emerging CTV ad formats in the bidstream and ensure all parties have what they need to deliver those ads at scale. This will ensure industry-wide efficiency and set the category up for success.

“Our latest report shows the industry is buzzing with creative ad formats, but scaling them across platforms remains a significant challenge,” said Cintia Gabilan, VP, Media Center, IAB. “With 75% of CTV spend being transacted in programmatic already, advertisers need standardization to scale investments and buying efficiency, and ‘Ad Format Idol’ is set to address that. This initiative will help overcome fragmentation and ensure these formats can thrive across the CTV ecosystem.”

The “Ad Format Idol” initiative invites stakeholders across the digital advertising ecosystem to submit their most successful CTV ad formats for consideration between October 22 and January 22, 2025. The entries will be evaluated by a Task Force appointed by Tech Lab’s Advanced TV Commit Group. Once complete, Tech Lab’s Advanced TV and Programmatic Supply Chain Working Groups will begin work to update their respective specification(s).

As the number of CTV ad formats continues to grow – drawing from traditional linear/broadcast TV and innovating for the streaming experience and digital capabilities – the industry is testing a range of new ad experiences in CTV environments. Examples include picture-in-picture ads, pause screen ads, shoppable ads, “brand bugs,” and more, though this list is not exhaustive. Standardization will be essential for efficiency and scalability in delivering these experiences. Without it, advertisers and publishers will face significant challenges in maintaining effectiveness across platforms.

“We’re looking for ad formats that have real potential to scale across different channels and streaming services and change consumers’ advertising experience on CTV,” said Ken Weiner, Chief Technology Officer, GumGum and Board Director, IAB Tech Lab. “This is about identifying the ad formats that can navigate complexity and make a difference in the way advertisers engage with audiences. If you’re working with a relatively common or templatized CTV ad format, we want to see it, and we want to help it grow into something that can benefit the entire industry.”

“Ad Format Idol” will be showcased at key industry events, beginning with Tech Lab’s International Summit in London on November 5, 2024, and Tech Lab’s “I Want My CTV” event on December 5, 2024, in New York City. These events will provide participants the opportunity to see the ad formats in action. Additionally, the initiative will be highlighted during critical milestones in 2025, including the IAB’s Annual Leadership Meeting, NewFronts, and Video Leadership Summit later in the year. These platforms will offer industry stakeholders a comprehensive view of the evolution of CTV ad formats as the “Ad Format Idol” initiative progresses through its phases.

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