Imagina US: Hola TV on the air starting September

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| June 13, 2013

Fernanda Merodio, senior director of Affiliate Sales and Marketing of Imagina US

Fernanda Merodio, senior director of Affiliate Sales and Marketing of Imagina US, told PRODU on the second day of The Cable Show that channel Hola TV was ready to go on the air.“We’ve been working on Hola TV for a long time and the good news is that it will be on the air in Puerto Rico and the U.S. starting in September. There will be launches announced soon. I’m excited the channel is ready for air and in HD,” she said.Ignacio Sanz de Acedo recently joined the channel as its CEO and general manager.Imagina US partnered with Hola magazine for this project. Merodio said that Imagina US with handle all distribution and part of production.