Impressive results for KWHY-TV Channel 22 in LA with the broadcast of 2nd Mexican presidential debate live

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| June 12, 2012

KWHY-TV Channel 22 delivered again on its new strategy to lead Los Angeles with news that matters to its audience. While all other Spanish language TV stations in Los Angeles once again opted to air regular programming and delay the debate until midnight, the Meruelo Media station took the lead and offered viewers the complete 2nd Mexican Presidential Debate live with expanded team coverage from Guadalajara.KWHY-TV Channel 22’s almost 6-hour long live coverage and local reaction delivered solid ratings in A18-49 (average of .5) and generating over 69,000 total viewers (P2+) compared with KVEA & KMEX generating 6,000 and 20,000 total viewers respectively. The online efforts garnered over 4,800 unique live streams, and generated almost 215,000 impressions across its digital platforms – a record setting engagement with its audience!Anchored by Rolando Nichols, KWHY-TV Channel 22’s coverage of the debate also included live, via satellite, on-the-ground analysis from Noticias 22 anchor, Palmira Pérez. KWHY-TV Channel 22’s coverage concluded with post-debate coverage and analysis.KWHY-TV Channel 22 committed a great deal of resources to the effort as a measure of how important the next President of Mexico is to the Latino community and, in particular, Mexicans and Mexican-Americans. “For far too long, the largest Hispanic market in the country has been neglected with respect to these type of opportunities. The elections in Mexico have a profound effect on the lives of the residents of Los Angeles…to do anything less of what the new MundoFox 22 did on Sunday night is nothing short of a failure on the part of a television station’s obligation to its community” noted president of Meruelo Media Holdings, Otto Padrón.

Diario de Hoy (15)