Jim McNamara of Pantelion: We’ve created a hit with Pantelion and its movies

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| December 7, 2013

Jim McNamara

Jim McNamara, co-founder of Pantelion, says the company created a hit in the U.S. and Mexico with the recent movie No Se Aceptan Devoluciones, which broke box office records in both markets.“It has been hard work from a team dedicated to producing and distributing Spanish- and English-language films for Hispanics in the U.S. The universe finally aligned for us this year and we’re doing very well,” he said.McNamara made the statement at the 50th anniversary party of RTI, company he helped enter the U.S. market during his presidency at Telemundo.Currently, McNamara is president of Pantelion, a partnership of his own company, Panamax, with Televisa and Lionsgate, to produce films for the U.S. and Mexican markets. He is also CEO of channel Cinelatino.When asked if he would seek to produce films in Colombia, McNamara said that the country had excellent talent in all areas, including directors and actors. “Colombia has always had great writers, actors and directors, and I believe that a Colombian product could work well not just in Colombia and the U.S., but also across Latin America,” he added.During his interview with PRODU, he also praised RTI for its contributions to the international TV industry. Among them he cited the creativity and how the company helped elevate telenovelas to a global status. “We have to recognize this has been the work of a dedicated team that did not have the support of a particular channel, but rather had to leverage relationships with many broadcasters, as was the case when I headed Telemundo. They helped Telemundo become the largest telenovela producer in the world,” said McNamara.

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