Jorge Ramos: PRODU brings us together, and whether you win or not, it recognizes that we are making good TV, journalism, and programs

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| November 3, 2023

Jorge Ramos Ganador Premio PRODU

Journalist Jorge Ramos received double recognition at the Premios PRODU Gala, one for Lifetime Achievement in News and two as Best Anchor of a News/News Program.

“I am very grateful to PRODU and all my colleagues for these awards, but what strikes me most is that there are few times when all of us who speak Spanish can get together. I know that on a personal level, we have a lot of respect for journalists from other countries. PRODU bring us together, and whether you win or not, I think it is a recognition that we are making good TV, good journalism, good programs and that we have a lot to learn from each other,” Ramos noted.

Talking with the hosts Ricardo Morán and Andrea Serna, he said that although he is a peaceful person and avoids confrontation when facing people with power, things can change and that journalists have a double responsibility. “First, reporting reality as it is. Second, and most importantly, challenging those in power. Our job is to ask them tough questions. It is not something that comes naturally to me, so you have to prepare for it. It’s up to us to ask the hard questions even if they don’t like it. To make it easier, you must have the attitude that you will never see that person again.”

For Ramos, journalism has changed. Three or four decades ago, journalists were limited to data, describing facts, and not taking positions. “With the polarized world and fake news, there are many times when, contrary to what they teach in journalism schools, we cannot be neutral. When faced with human rights violations, you cannot be neutral. Our place is always to be a counterweight. If you are that, you are in a good position.”

He added that he doesn’t know any other profession like journalism that allows you to be young and be rebellious all the time.

He said that the news of his dreams is announcing a solution to the Middle East conflict, but he is pessimistic. “The news that I hope to see in the US is the first Latina president,” he concluded.

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