Latin Entertainment: Our MAX+ multi channel technology offers competitive advantages for WISP operators in MX

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| June 28, 2023

Sara Rojas Latin Entertainment Group

For Latin Entertainment Group (LEG), the great business opportunity in Mexico is represented by WISP (Fixed Wireless Internet Service Providers) operators that, in addition to connectivity, are looking for alternatives to offer TV channels to their customers in a cost-efficient manner without too much equipment. Sara Rojas, director of Business Development at LEG, points out that with the company’s MAX+ multi-channel technology they are in a position to meet these requirements.

“Mexico is a country with established TV channels, where pay TV is practically saturated. The challenge is to add something else to that market. As always, our differentiator has been the technological advantage that we revealed during Andina Link in Colombia, our MAX+ technology, which is the multi-channel that allows us to offer signals to both traditional pay TV platforms and WISPs,” said Rojas.

She explained that they have six month of conversations with WISPs operators in Mexico, that they are looking for channels that can be integrated into their offer without less impact in their cost structure. “That’s where we come in with the team’s solution. For a WISP operator to have LEG signals, it does not need to make a large investment in a TV headend as operators such as TotalPlay or Megacable did, but engage with us through the technology we offer, adding it to the channels that are open, you can put together an interesting package. We see that there is an opportunity.”

According to Rojas, there is a little knowledge in Mexico about the benefits of MAX +. “In order to integrate our channels, they only require one solution, a single technological team, while with Warner-Discovery, Disney, one team per channel is needed”.

She noted that Condista is aiding them to reach more operators in the Mexican market such as Megacable and TotalPlay.

“We don’t have an app like HBO Max or Disney+, but we give the rights to the OTT operator. So when we have premieres of movies or in music channels, we allow the operators to launch the channels on this OTT technology,” she explained.

Rojas invited Internet providers (WISP) that are now adding TV channels, to know about their signals and the simplicity of MAX+ “which is our technology of signals. That is the great differentiator.”

In addition, particularly for the Mexican market, LEG offers the Mi Música Regional Mexicana channel as part of its music signal offering. “In the Mi Música suite of channels we are always analyzing trends and what the operators demand us to differentiate themselves,” she said.

4K is another factor that represents an opportunity for LEG in Mexico. “Regarding 4K development, we know that Mexico is moving forward with that. We are not yet 100% with 4K, but Mi Música is coming in 4K by the middle or end of 2023. We are analyzing which operator we’ll do it with. Of the markets we have analyzed, Mexico is the most advanced in the region. If we launch 4K, it will be in Mexico.”

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