LERMA/ returns to the Super Bowl with He Gets Us

Liz Unamo| February 12, 2024

This year He Gets Us returned to the Big Game with two spots

He Gets Us returned to the Super Bowl with LERMA/ with an ad based on the Love Your Neighbor message that aired in the first quarter of the Super Bowl and a 15-second follow-up in the second half.

This year’s strategy was based on loving your neighbor as Jesus did, encouraging people to respect and serve one another.

According to David Morring, Creative Principal at LERMA/, they took on the challenge of creating a 15-second spot that could convey a profound message despite its limited length. “Even though it will be shorter than most all of the other commercials, I think it will hold its own in the morass of celebrity endorsements and over-the-top hijinks of Super Bowl ads. In essence, we’re reversing our delivery this year. We’re throwing a big punch in the first quarter and then finishing with a stinging jab. I like to think Jesus would have appreciated boxing analogies” said.

Last year, the first Super Bowl ad, “Be Childlike,” was intentionally designed to be a “feel-good” ad to serve as an introduction to our more hard-hitting ad, “Love Your Enemies,” in the second half.

In 2023, the agency – less than two years old and fully independent – launched three Super Bowl ads. “For an agency that had only been fully-independent for less than two years, it was a huge opportunity. We embraced the challenge and I think the results exceeded our wildest expectations. This year, with two more spots in the Super Bowl, the question everyone asked us was: “How can you beat what you did last year?” Truthfully, we thrive on that type of pressure. Our goal is to always be growing, improving and delivering better work today than we did yesterday. Last year, we had an amazing team of talented people both inside and outside the agency that elevated our ideas and scripts to a stratospheric level. This year, we’ve continued to collaborate with the best directors, visual artists, editors and musicians to raise the bar even higher. I think once you see the spots you’ll agree, these aren’t commercials, they’re art”.


Diario de Hoy (15)