Luis Armando Bottini: Our FAST Channel Cuaima Team TV Featured on FLOU.tv and Vision by Spanglish from Spanglish Movies

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 8 de enero de 2025

Cuaima Team TV is a FAST channel specializing in fitness and tourism

Cuaima Team TV is a FAST channel specializing in fitness and tourism, created by Venezuelan producer and director Luis Armando Bottini Herrera. The channel will be included on FLOU.tv and Vision by Spanglish platforms from Spanglish Movies.

Bottini, who began in the music industry with Cuaima Records in Mexico, returned to Venezuela in 2006 due to health reasons. Upon returning to Mexico in 2008, he realized the music industry was in decline and decided to switch disciplines. “I set up an agency to represent fitness models, becoming the first in Mexico. I brought them to networks like Televisa, FOX Sports, CNN en Español, Univision, and Telemundo. Then, I had the idea of creating TV shows and producing the reality show Chicas de Calendario in 2015 and 2016. We filmed it in Playa del Carmen, featuring fitness athletes competing against each other,” Bottini recalls.

Venezuelan producer and director Luis Armando Bottini Herrera

Bottini found the airtime costs prohibitive when he tried to place Chicas de Calendario on FOX Sports and decided to explore streaming. “I began networking in Miami (with Miami TV), and they aired my shows until I decided to create my channel. I launched it on Roku in 2018 and later on VIVAlive, a U.S. platform, where we began in 2020,” he explained.

“I’m thrilled to merge the vibrant worlds of Spanglish and Cuaima Team TV on FLOU.tv. This partnership represents our shared commitment to offering authentic and engaging Hispanic content that resonates with our diverse audience. Together, we’re creating a new chapter in entertainment that celebrates our cultural richness and connects Latino communities in the U.S.,” said Gustavo Aparicio, CEO of Spanglish Movies, to PRODU.

Bottini shared that after discussions with various FAST platforms, they connected with Gustavo Aparicio, “who was very open to supporting the distribution of our channel. He brought us into FLOU.tv and Vision by Spanglish gave us access and even connected us with advertising agencies to secure sponsors. He’s also promoting us in Puerto Rico and the broader market.”


The hosts of Cuaima Team TV’s programs are internationally recognized fitness athletes and influencers. The channel’s content spans tourism, adventure, sports, culture, fitness, gastronomy, and general wellness.

The FAST-format channel features exclusive content filmed in paradisiacal locations such as Cancún, Cozumel, Isla Mujeres, Tulum, Akumal, Isla Margarita (Venezuela), and throughout the Venezuelan Caribbean, among others.

“The idea is to combine the knowledge of our fitness athletes and influencers about healthy living and nutrition with tourism, gastronomy, Mayan culture, sports, wellness, and the good life—where to go and how to stay fit. We produced a karate documentary with Claudia Sequera in Puerto Caballo, a tourism special in Margarita, and we aim to promote tourism through a sports perspective. We’re collaborating with Venetur and Conviasa in Venezuela. Currently, we have six months of timeless programming: documentaries, reality shows, a cooking show with Mexican chef Omar Patiño—who created chocolate and truffle fettuccine and specializes in insect-protein-based dishes—and a documentary on nutritious Venezuelan traditional dishes,” Bottini explained.

Cuaima Team TV features personalities such as Jerry Castillo, a black belt in Taekwondo from Paraguay; Oriana Tassoni from Venezuela; and Jessica Chapi García, a bodybuilding champion from Mexico.

Watch the trailer for Cuaima Team TV

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