Mapat, producer at Televisa: With Corazón que Miente we are venturing into the production of short telenovelas

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| November 25, 2015

Mapat, producer at Televisa, presented Thelma Madrigal and Pablo Lye as stars of their new production Corazón que Miente (80×60′), that started being shot in Puebla on Monday November 23 and will be launched on February 8 at 7:15pm on El Canal de las Estrellas. Its main feature is that it is the first time that Televisa produces a telenovela in short format.In an interview the producer revealed that the decision to make a short story is the result of audiences´new consumption habits. “The company asked me to produce a short format. This story is attractive in itself, but, if we make it more dynamic, I think a good product will result and I am the pioneer in this type of production. It is a new way to make TV that the company is seeking, to mix long and short telenovelas”, she mentioned. Mapat considers herself a risky person, and that’s why, aside from producing a short format, she will also bet on a real melodrama: “If we don’t dare to do different things, we will always be making telenovelas like in 1960. With this script, I don’t want realism, I want the truth and logic, for the audience to see it and think that it can be true.Finally she stated that it will be an attractive product for the international market, that as well as carrying the Televisa seal, “the global company with half hour productions, we must think of offering an array of products to cater to everyone’s preferences”.

Diario de Hoy (15)