Marcos Santana launches a start-up with an avant-garde concept supporting environment sustainability: Mas Ros Media

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| January 20, 2023

Marcos Santana y Ríchard Izarra durante el lanzamiento de Mas Ros

Marcos Santana revealed this week the project that he had been working on for more than a year: Mas Ros Media, a start-up born with a different and unique concept.

In an exclusive and extensive video interview, hosted by Ríchard Izarra, PRODU’s Editor-in-Chief, Santana disclosed the news. Izarra has followed his career almost since he began in the industry.

At 9am (Miami), PRODU sent its traditional EXTRA announcing the new venture of this renowned executive with two links, one to the full 34-minute interview, and another to a condensed 18-minute conversation.

From that moment on, the networks began to share the news, and at 9:30am, the official statement was released.

Marcos looked renewed, displaying his trademark energy, and now booming with global and ambitious projects. He was wearing clothes made of recycled fabrics and was convinced of the need to be environmentally sustainable.

The fact that his headquarters will be a farm without electricity and using rainwater and wells, located two hours from Barcelona, Spain, had a huge impact.

He said that he received messages until the evening congratulating him for such a noble purpose that it could be emulated by others in the industry.

“Hopefully, because the planet really needs it,” he said.

View full interview (34 minutes)

View interview highlights (18 minutes)