Marlon Quintero from CIC Media: In my role as CCO of Global Entertainment Formats for Televisa Internacional I am looking for the next great hit

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| October 20, 2015

In his role as Chief Creative Officer of Global Entertainment Formats for Televisa Internacional, Marlon Quintero seeks to generate a portfolio of products in diverse genres and possibilities that work at a global scale. “We are looking for the next great hit just like everybody else. The doors are open for us to explore the international creative contingent and be able to find that new idea and have it made”, explains to PRODU Quintero, who is also managing director of CIC Media. In this management, Quintero works with a group of professionals based in Miami and Europe. “We supervise and develop these formats to be able to take them to the market in the best way possible and deliver to those who buy it a solution that can be a hit on screens anywhere in the world. There are other hits that have been produced by our partners in Spain, La Competencia, who have worked with amazing formats like Levántate, that have been made very successfully in Argentina and Brazil. Mexico also aired it. Currently, we are in Poland and starting pre-production in Russia and South Africa”.He expressed his joy for being part of this project and that his company can be an essential part of this operation, developed by Ricardo Ehrsam, Televisa International´s general director of Entertainment Formats as leader from Mexico and Europe, with Quintero working on the creative aspect. Quintero comments that Televisa Internacional has already made progress on this project it has been developing for two years. In 2014 they shaped and directed it. “Projects such as Pequeños Gigantes -led by Eduardo Clemesha´s team in Mexico- have stemmed. Pequeños Gigantes was revamped and has become a trend leader. Televisa innovated with this project in Mexico, turned it into a hit in the US and from there, many more similar ones appeared”.

Diario de Hoy (15)