Mediapro US: With big alliances for 2019 and the future

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 5 de febrero de 2019

Juan Pablo Santos MediaproUS

Juan Pablo Santos, SVP, Business Development and Content at Mediapro US, assured that one of the company´s current focuses is to generate premium content that is mostly short. He stated that the creative areas are working very well, and also that they closed alliances that place them in a privileged place in 2019 and in upcoming years.

“Mexico is going to be an important hub. We will make premium, mostly short-lasting series. We are envisioning a very good year. The executive highlighted that the characteristics they seek in their partners are: for them to share their vision, path, to have their own windows and, finally, good financial and production muscle.

Santos referred to Las Bravas F.C. (8×45’), a fiction series in co-production with Turner Latin America, that will be shot in Mexico this year. It tells the story of a female soccer team, it is an original idea by Flipy (N00bees, Chiringuito de Pepe, Olmos and Robles).

He also spoke about the production agreement with Televisa Estudios, with whom they are working on two projects: the first, Unwanted, a creation by Ran Telem (Homeland), Head of International Content at Mediapro, based in Spain, and written by Susana Casares, writer of Luis Miguel, La Serie. The second, Stroke, originally written by Daniel Burman, Head of Content for the US, Mexico, and Central America at Mediapro.

Additionally, he announced a co-production Alliance with VICE Media, with whom they are developing Border Republic, that tells the story of a golf course divided between the border of Mexico and the US: “It is a very current project. VICE already has a previous agreement with channels and operators and we have our international distribution arm, Imagina International Sales”.

He also highlighted the second season of N00bies with Viacom and of Todo Por el Juego, a co-production with DIRECTV.

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Juego de ilusiones