Mexico´s Cinépolis spreads protocols to open theaters

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| June 16, 2020

Cinepolis Mx Se Prepara Para El Regreso

The Mexican movie theater network Cinépolis announced its protocol for the return to the theaters under safety measures that contemplate the reduction in the movie theaters to maintain a distance of 1.5 meters between viewers, and that in average can be 50% of the seating capacity. Additionally, a rigorous sanitation and cleaning plan, health control of their workers, use of electronic devices, such as applications, for the purchase of movie tickets or food, among other measures. A video makes known the requisites they will comply with to open safely.

The estimated date for the opening of movie theaters in Mexico City will be when the authorities announce that the city is in orange light, which depends on the performance of the pandemic because it is necessary that 15 days before that, there is a decrease in the infection and death figures.

To vacate the movie theaters upon the end of the show, it will be necessary to fulfill an order: personnel will say which row must vacate first. Additionally, air conditioners will be cleaned more regularly and the shows will take place with open doors to ensure ventilation of the space. Likewise, blankets, magazines, and service cars in the VIP rooms will be eliminated.

Watch the Cinépolis video and protocol

Diario de Hoy

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