Mi Tía Gilma, a feature film written and directed by Alexandra Henao, is based on a series of real events that shape its screenplay. The story follows Isabel as she cares for her Aunt Gilma, who is hospitalized in Caracas after being assaulted by her partner. Amid the surrounding social chaos, Isabel will do whatever it takes to save her aunt and fulfill a promise.
The film has garnered awards at prestigious festivals, including Film By the Sea in the Netherlands, the Curaçao International Film Festival in Rotterdam, the Venezuelan Film Festival, and the Punta del Este International Film Festival in Uruguay. It has also been part of the Official Selection at renowned festivals such as the Morelia International Film Festival (Mexico), IFFI Goa (India), FICVIÑA (Chile), Vancouver LAFF (Canada), and FIC Schlingel (Germany), showcasing its diverse and bold themes.
Now, Mi Tía Gilma comes to Miami audiences through Cinema Venezuela, an essential platform highlighting the work of determined, passionate Venezuelan filmmakers with unique narratives. This initiative serves as a significant testament and legacy for the country’s history.
The film’s screening will be in Bill Cosford Cinema at the University of Miami on November 24 at 7pm.
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