Mip Cancun participants rate second edition in the Mayan Riviera as a total success

Nastascha Contreras| 1 de diciembre de 2015

The second edition of Mip Cancun, which took place for three days between November 18th and 20th in the Mexican Riviera beach resort, was considered a total success. The mechanism implemented for buyers to see and evaluate distributors´ offers, the topic of the conferences presented for two days and the environment in Cancun accounted for participants to express their satisfaction in this emerging market that is now in its second edition. Since Friday evening, during the closure of the event, participants began to post pictures of the event on social networks, expressing their satisfaction and thanking Reed Midem for the good organization and how useful it had been. “Very intimate, everything in a single place, no elevators nor lines or stairs, good conferences and a spectacular stage. We´re coming back next year”, they summarized on their tweets or Facebook pages. The organizers informed that they had tripled the attendance of the first Cancun market held last year. This year there were 300 participants, including 84 buyers and 84 distributors. Several attendees from Central and South America who don´t regularly participate, were also there. Likewise, there were Turkish and Japanese participants.

Diario de Hoy

lunes, 31 de marzo de 2025


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Este 25 y 26 de marzo MIP Markets realizó en Medellín y Colombia dos encuentros con la industria, en los que reunió a 100 personas de unas 70 empresas. Manuel De Sousa, Partnership and Business Development Director de RX France, fue organizador del evento

Este 25 y 26 de marzo MIP Markets realizó en Medellín y Bogotá, en Colombia dos encuentros con la industria. Allí reunió a más 100 personas de unas 70 empresas. Manuel De Sousa, Partnership and Business Development Director de RX France, organizador del evento, explicó que ambos casos permitieron el networking entre empresas, tanto públicas como privadas. Además se analizó a fondo la situación de la industria en Colombia.


Vuelve al horario de la noche un drama cargado de intriga con Eres mi sangre, la nueva telenovela producida por Del Barrio Producciones para América TV, que estrena a las 9:40 pm, este martes 1 de abril. El lanzamiento se hizo el viernes 28 de marzo con todo el elenco en el canal.

Andrés Mendoza de WBD
Jen Salke Amazon mujer
Juan Pablo Santos de Mediapro US