Grupo Multimedios has had excellent results on FAST platforms, so efforts have been made to continue on this path after recently launching Channel 6 of Guadalajara via Samsung TV. In the upcoming months it will have a news channel targeted to the US and Mexico and a police news channel, said Enrique Calderón, CTO, Multimedios.
“We will launch a Fast News channel for the US and Mexico but focusing first on the US. It is already available on channel 6 Guadalajara in Fast via Samsung TV and we are about to launch a police news channel, which is already ready with our Partner Otera and we are only waiting for some settings with Samsung and Roku, in addition to profile it so any Multimedios content can be accessed from any marketplace platform,” Calderón said.
“We launched a contest show and it has done very well, in summary for Grupo Multimedios the Fast channels in Samsung TV have been a great success,” he said.
Calderón pointed out that one of the great advantages of Fast channels is its precise consumption data. “It provides data on what content is seen more, for how long, and even demographics, which helps us generate more appropriate content to attract and retain more audience.”
He considered that the digital wave is about data, and warned that they must be very careful to have a very good strategy and data curatorship without saturating consumers with unnecessary things.
Regarding the coverage of the 2024 Mexico presidential elections, he said it will be an interesting challenge because television has changed a lot since the last ballots in 2018.
“For the next elections, we have an important task because many things have changed in the group, first I am now CTO, we have channel 6 – which, according to the rating report, is doing very well on CDMX -, the strength of a unified Canal 6 Milenio, and now we must make a joint effort including radio, newspaper, digital, reporters, to offer a unique coverage of the next presidential elections in Mexico.”