Netflix: Intuition is key in the purchase of content

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| February 22, 2019

Rodrigo Mazon Netflix 1

Rodrigo Mazon, Content Acquisitions VP for LatAm and Spain at Netflix, assured that the process to select content for the platform is a mix of “art and science”. He explained that being a company that has roots in technology, data analysis is very present but is not everything.

“We do qualitative analysis and it is very interesting, but at the end of the day, intuition is the most important thing. We have the analysis tools, but we must fall in love with the story, believe in the project, in the team, decide and bet on it,” he emphasized.

He said that they are surprised every day with the audience´s preferences and that it continues to happen that a project they thought might not do so well becomes a phenomenon and vice versa, which is why they keep learning constantly to fine tune their analysis and get to know the preferences of the members in each one of the 190 countries where they are present.

Mazon explained that it is difficult to establish common elements between the projects that have given them the biggest return because it is relative: “For us, it is important to find stories that captivate the country and can travel. Regarding genres and types of stories, it varies. We are discovering and ascertaining that preferences transcend borders.”

In the context of the Netflix Forum held for the first time in Mexico City on Tuesday, February 12, the talent in front of and behind cameras in this country stood out: “The relations we are forming, cultivating, developing, and taking care of are because that is where stories come from, it is what gives us the ability to continue investing.”