Netflix: New players like us raise the bar for everyone

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| October 29, 2013

Netflix will launch in December the new children’s animated series Turbo, co-produced with DreamWorks. “To start, we’ll have 300 hours of children’s programming of Netflix and DreamWorks,” said to PRODU during his recent visit to Buenos Aires Ted Sarandos, Chief Content Officer of Netflix.Additionally, the company is preparing for 2014 a new original series: Sense8, from the Wachowski brothers, creators of The Matrix and many science fiction series.The new series will be launched under the strategy that characterizes Netflix: all episodes at once. “Our launch strategy has undoubtedly been a differentiator. It’s hard to replicate on network or cable TV, and it’s something viewers clearly want: watch programming where and when they want, on the screen of their choice, and with the amount of previous episodes they want,” said Sarandos.He contends that new players such as Netflix “raise the bar for everyone,” because they improve the quality of programming, exert a pressure that keeps prices low, and even force innovation. “In the markets where Netflix operates, TV operators are developing on-demand and catch-up products, which would not be working at all if we had not entered the market,” he added.Netflix currently has close to 40 million subscribers (over 29 million in the U.S. and over 9 million elsewhere).