Nuestro Stories: We are the platform devoted to our Latin heritage

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 3 de mayo de 2023

Manny Ruiz Nuestro Stories

Manny Ruiz, the co-founder of Nuestro Stories, with a long career in the Hispanic market, said that his platform is very different from anything that exists in the market. “We are the platform devoted to our Latino heritage and celebrating it every day, not just during Hispanic Heritage Month, and that is what has given us good results and we have grown.”

Ruiz is attending the annual HMC Summit in New York and welcomes the opportunity to meet face-to-face with agencies, companies, and brands that belong to the Hispanic market. “For me, it is very important to be here because it is the first time that we are meeting with an exclusive focus on the Hispanic market.”

Regarding the evolution and positioning of the US Hispanic market, he explained that after the death of George Floyd the whole trend and the whole focus went to the African-American market, however, this has been changing. “I think that now we are seeing that there is a trend towards a balance – according to the figures – that shows that the Latino market is the hottest of all and it is where we are growing the most as a country,” he said. He added that brands are now paying more attention to the Hispanic market than in recent years.

Ruiz co-founded Nuestro Stories with his wife, Angela. “We didn’t really want to launch ‘another’ twin company in the Latino market (…). It’s a comeback to the market with something very fresh that is really different,” he explained. He added that it is a platform that needs to have ad tech, great content, and research: “because without that we are only content creators and we do not have a company able to grow at the levels of large companies, which is our dream.”

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