OPINIÓN: Lorena Rangel de Casanova//McCann: Not For the Faint of Heart

19 de junio de 2024

Lorena Rangel

A mentor once told me that to be in Account Services you had to have adrenaline instead of blood in your veins. One had to not only enjoy the ups and downs of advertising, but ride them, as one would a roller coaster, with exhilaration. This adrenaline rush is the same resource that drove the avant garde, the French leading part of an advancing military formation, to move forward. And, just like the avant garde, Account Services, always responds first.

As agency models evolve, Account Services never falter. This group of people provide teams with the backbone for continuity and consistency. Account Services is the glue that holds everything together. They also possess the capacity to move from the front to the back, from the back to the front or to the sides. And it is thanks to their plasticity that brands and teams grow. They can bear immense pressure, know when to act, provide stability, and are aware of when and where to move to give space (or not.)

When clients choose to work with agencies that invest in a strong Account Services Team, they are also getting an insurance. One that translates into partnerships, trust, accountability, and the peace of mind that they have an advocate within the agency: a brand leader!

The same mentor also told me that if a client fires an agency, 90% of the time, the “liability” falls under Account Services. Why? Because they didn’t address the issue on time. Certainly, not everyone would appreciate the responsibility of being the face of the agency. Yet, for a team that does, Account Services not only pleasingly shows up, but they do it with impeccable bedside manners, timely responses, focused guidance, and the flexibility to adapt.

Lorena Rangel
Account Director