Pantelion Films to distribute the suspense thriller Hours in the U.S. and Canada

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 29 de agosto de 2013

Pantelion Films to distribute the suspense thriller Hours in the U.S. and Canada

Pantelion Films has acquired the U.S. and Canadian distribution rights to the suspense thriller Hours, directed by Eric Heisserer (Final Destination 5, The Thing) and starring Paul Walker and Génesis Rodríguez, it was announced by Pantelion Films CEO, Paul Presburger. Pantelion will distribute the film theatrically and on VOD in the U.S. on December 13, 2013. Hours is produced by the Safran Company (The Conjuring) in conjunction with Palmstar Media and the Hirsch Group. The deal was made by Rena Ronson on behalf of UTA and Pantelion’s Presburger. Pantelion production executives Sandra Condito and Paul Michael Pérez found the film, which is set during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and follows a father’s desperate attempt to keep his newborn daughter alive in the wake of the storm’s destruction, at this year’s SXSW Film Festival. Before sunrise on August 29, 2005, Nolan Hayes (Walker) arrives at a New Orleans hospital with his pregnant wife, Abigail (Rodríguez), who has gone into early labor. What should be one of the happiest days of Nolan’s life quickly spirals out of control when the birth goes tragically wrong and Hurricane Katrina ravages the hospital, forcing an evacuation. Nolan and his newborn baby are soon cut off from the world by power outages and rising flood waters. With his baby completely dependent on a ventilator Nolan faces one life-and-death decision after another, fighting to keep his daughter alive, as minute by agonizing minute passes…becoming unimaginable hours. Pantelion Films is the first major Latino Hollywood studio and the new face of Hispanic entertainment. It is a synergistic partnership between Lionsgate and Televisa.

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