Paramount and Canela Media announce strategic alliance in key Latin American markets and Miami

5 de marzo de 2024

Eduardo Lebrija de Paramount and Eric Tourtel de Canela Media

Pluto TV, the global free ad-supported streaming television service (FAST), and Canela Media, a leading technology and innovation-driven media company, announced an exclusive two-year alliance. This strategic agreement involves Canela Media overseeing the ad sales for Pluto TV in key markets of Latin America, such as Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, and Venezuela. Miami will serve as a central point for media agencies and advertisers seeking regional coverage, except for Mexico. As part of this partnership, Canela Media will integrate Pluto TV into its comprehensive portfolio of media solutions for advertisers, including its renowned free streaming service, Canela.TV.

“We are very pleased and excited to have finalized this commercial agreement with Canela Media where we are anticipating highly successful results and an increase in Pluto TV’s revenue alongside a partner that has transcended internationally, which shares a comprehensive vision like ours and a commitment to its consumers like us,” said Eduardo Lebrija, EVP Regional Leader & Chief Commercial Officer Latin America at Paramount. “Pluto TV’s vast offering of unique and free programming, covering virtually all genres and demographics, will position Pluto TV optimally to experience exponential growth in these markets along with Canela Media.”

Since its launch in Latin America in 2020, Pluto TV has experienced rapid growth in the region and continues to expand its international presence, reaching over 35 countries and territories. This Emmy® award-winning service offers more than 167 channels in Latin America with a varied selection of channels featuring curated content by experts in collaboration with over 425 content partners globally. Hand in hand with Canela Media, this commercial agreement aims for Pluto TV to strengthen its presence in these territories through attractive packages aimed at reaching more audiences, with enhanced targeting capabilities and through more touchpoints.

Eric Tourtel, President of Canela Media for Latin America, commented: “We are excited about this alliance with Pluto TV, where, by joining forces with Canela.TV, we create a scalable audience reach between both platforms for the markets covered by this agreement. This collaboration reflects the shared vision of two industry leaders creating a one-stop-shop for media agencies and advertisers to leverage the combined reach of Pluto TV and Canela Media for their advertising strategies including CTV and mobile.”

Canela Media has revolutionized the OTT space, standing out as a leading OTT video publisher, thanks to its innovative approach to content and advertising solutions to reach scalable Latino audiences in the United States and Latin America. It’s a free streaming service, Canela.TV has experienced impressive growth in Mexico and Colombia since its launch in 2021, with increases of 85% and 27% respectively in monthly active users. Canela.TV offers more than 35,000 hours of content, including original productions like ‘Secretos de Villanas’ and a robust library spanning from Turkish dramas to Hollywood hits. Additionally, it also offers specialized verticals such as Canela Deportes, Canela Music, and Canela Kids, along with over 90 live channels.

Through this agreement, Paramount and Canela Media will continue strengthening their presence in the entertainment and streaming industry, offering innovative solutions and benefits for advertisers and media agencies in the region.

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