Prime Video: In The House of the Spirits, women dominate both on-screen and behind the scenes, making up 90% of the participants

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| September 18, 2024

Camila Misas, Head of Local Originals for Chile, Colombia and Argentina at Prime Video

Latina women are contributing to the evolution of Latin American narratives by telling more emotionally resonant and transcendental stories, according to Camila Misas, Head of Local Originals for Chile, Colombia, and Argentina at Prime Video.

“In the past, my experience was primarily focused on narrating stories, both male-centric and female-centric, but predominantly directed by men. Today, we’re shifting our approach. When we delve into stories featuring female protagonists or deeply feminine and emotional themes, we’re committed to having them directed and written by women. We’re challenging ourselves to embrace these voices and perspectives,” Misas told PRODU.

She emphasizes that a female perspective brings a unique dimension to the production. “We’re witnessing projects with a high female representation, around 90%, both on-screen and behind the scenes. The House of the Spirits is a prime example, with almost the entire team, from showrunners to the director, comprised of women. Additionally, female writers and executives are spearheading the project. We aim to narrate this family saga through a deeply feminine and authentically Latin American lens, distinct from the Americanized film adaptation made 25 years ago by male directors. By telling this story from our roots and with a female vision, we’re capturing its essence in a truly authentic way.”

She emphasized that the region boasts many women in influential positions across various streaming platforms. “Each of them, from their respective roles, is supporting other women and directors in telling their own stories.”


For Misas, women like Juana Uribe, one of her early mentors, Angélica Guerra, and Javiera Balmaceda have been “instrumental” in her professional development.

“I recall being the sole woman in meetings during my early years, but I’ve witnessed a significant shift over time. The industry is increasingly populated by women in diverse roles, from directors and writers to executives. I firmly believe in the importance of supporting one another and providing opportunities to younger generations, just as we received at the outset of our careers. While challenges persist, opportunities are on the rise, and with the support of more colleagues, the path for future women in the industry should be more accessible,” she said.

She notes that female voices are gaining prominence. “As Latinas, and in my case as a Colombian, we’ve experienced complex challenges, including conflicts, difficulties, and scarcity. Now, these life stories are being told through a female lens, offering a unique and valuable perspective.”


Misas believes that the increased presence of women in the industry is due in part to the academy’s significant contribution to creating more spaces for studying film, communication, editing, or photography. “Twenty years ago, Colombia had barely one film school, while Argentina, which is ahead in this regard, had between three and four. Back then, most students were men. Today, there’s a much more balanced enrollment of women and men in film and TV programs across various territories.”

For the new generations of creative Latinas aspiring to succeed in entertainment, Misas advised, “Don’t give up, persist, work diligently, and write extensively. Gain as much experience as possible.”

She noted that the journey is challenging and fraught with obstacles, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. “I believe the most valuable aspect lies in the process itself, rather than the outcome. Achieving success is difficult, and sometimes, even with all the right elements, the recipe might not turn out as planned, and the public may not respond as expected. Nevertheless, the experiences and lessons learned throughout the work are invaluable. In my nearly 24-year career, I’ve discovered that successes are less frequent, but each experience, regardless of its difficulty, ease, controversy, or obstacles, has been invaluable.”

Diario de Hoy

viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2024


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