PRODU Industry Awards was an unforgettable party that gathered the audiovisual community

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 19 de noviembre de 2023

Ganadores Premio PRODU Industria

The PRODU Industry Awards, held in the context of MIP Cancun with a full house, gathered more than 300 important executives of the main platforms, linear TV channels, production companies, distribution companies, and dubbing companies, among others. Once again, it was demonstrated that they have become the most important and most attractive in the Ibero-American market.

For the seventh time, they recognized the work and path of executives who, with their work, build the business day by day. Pierluigi Gazzolo was awarded Executive of the Year and Industry Pillars: Arnaldo Limansky from Cinecinco, Francisco Ramos from Netflix, Guillermo Sierra from HITN, the manager Jorge Mondragon, Karen Barroeta from Telemundo, Patricia Daujotas from Channel 10 in Uruguay, Raphael Correa Netto from Globo, Saner Ayar from 03 Medya, Selina Nederhand from SPT and Silvana D’Angelo from Glowstar, who thanked them for their acknowledgment.

The event, which was hosted by Richard and Roko Izarra, president and founder and CEO of PRODU, respectively, was chaired by Alejandra Jaramillo, presenter of ¡Siéntese Quien Pueda! and the actress and producer Yesenia Valencia. It started with a Red Carpet on which the award-winning personalities, as well as friends and executives who are part of this great audiovisual industry, paraded.

Afterward, the lights went down and the awards ceremony began with the presentation of TV Azteca, one of PRODU’s main allies, with the presence of Fernando Muñiz, Director of Distribution and Strategic Alliance at TV Azteca, who was surprised to receive a round of applause when his 30-year career was mentioned and acknowledged.

“I feel happy because throughout these years I have seen PRODU and it is always a reference in this industry in everything it does, it is an honor to be with you. At the same time, I have been part of the news they report. I have seen how they have made changes in this industry in terms of communication. Our industry is very important because it transmits emotions, joy, energy, and fear because we always bring different content to homes. We are celebrating 30 years and this year we are celebrating it with very important things because it is the beginning of what is to come for the next few years” he commented, and presented a video depicting his more than 40 thousand hours of content.

Following this, and during their participation, Richard and Roko Izarra mentioned that the PRODU Awards have become “the biggest event of the Ibero-American audiovisual industry. It went flawlessly, and it lasted 20 hours and it was live,” said Richard with a chuckle.

Meanwhile, Roko thanked the industry for its support, affection, and trust, as well as “the huge work of the PRODU family, a solid team that is up to any challenge. The Sinapsis Production team, Mediapro North America, and Juan Pablo Santos, who allowed us to use his studios in Miami. We count on their support as luxury allies, and lastly, the more than 600 jurors and each one of the people and companies that registered their pieces and are sponsoring this night”.

They both thanked Maria Perez-Belliere, Director of MIP Cancun, an event that is celebrating its 10th anniversary. “Today we close with the jewel of the crown, the PRODU Industry Awards, sold out, with a full house and your presence”.

To end the welcome speech, Richard recalled that today, PRODU is a sustainable enterprise “and more responsible with the planet and mankind. Starting this year, we stopped printing on non-recyclable paper. I want to remind you that, as an industry, we have a significant impact on the environment” and he invited everyone to join the United Nations’ 2030 sustainable development goals, in addition to announcing that PRODU is preparing a kickoff, the launch of the celebration of its 35th anniversary.

After this, María Pérez-Belliere from MIP Cancun took the stage and said: “We are proud to partner again with the PRODU Awards for the fifth time here at MIP Cancun. It is an honor to provide the stage for these amazing awards that recognize excellence in Latina and Spanish-language production and offer us the opportunity to celebrate and be inspired by our colleagues. Tonight’s honorees once again illustrate the incredible talent and breadth of work within the Spanish-speaking creative community worldwide”.

In addition to the Executive of the Year and Pillars awards, the Pez Dorado Series 2023 was also presented, delivered by Punta Fina and won by Fermin Roberto Blanco and Jose Antonio Ibarra, and the Advertiser of the Year Award won by Noblex.

The Diversity Award was also delivered, sponsored by Fremantle and won by Muxes, from Mediapro and Warner Bros. Discovery for HBO and the Great Awards to El Cuerpo en Llamas by Arcadia for Netflix as Audience Phenomenon, audited by Kantar IBOPE Media; Falso Amor by Cuarzo Producciones from Banijay for Netflix for taking the Great Entertainment Award; VGLY 15”, by Warner Bros. Discovery and Exile for HBO Max, for winning the Great Fiction Award.

One of the most moving moments of the evening was the in memoriam applause and recognition of the people in the industry who passed away this year.

Watch the broadcast of the PRODU Industry Awards

Watch In memoriam

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