Rich Hull from Vix: The new service AVOD Vix TV has great potential in US Hispanic

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| September 3, 2019

Rich Hull Pongalo

According to Rich Hull, founder and CEO of Pongalo and now also Chief Strategy Officer at Vix, the new service AVOD Vix TV, to be launched at the end of this year in the US Hispanic market doesn´t have real competition since most of the existing services are paid subscriptions (SVOD) and are aimed at the general market.

“The purchase of Vix benefits us greatly: first because it is the biggest player in digital media for Latin audiences (just on Facebook, Vix has 100 million followers). For us to be able to talk to that audience without having to pay is relevant, because it lowers our largest expense that is the acquisition of users,” mentions Hull and as the second reason, he highlighted that a year ago, Pongalo focused strongly on AVOD, achieving with it great success and increasing its audience. “With Vix, we already have an established sales team of more than 30 people in Latin America and the US with which we can directly sell the ads without having to create a team from scratch,” he added.

Hull explained that Vix will absorb the entire Pongalo team located in Los Angeles and that office will be part of the Vix network that previously didn´t have a presence in that city. “I will continue to be focused on the development of the OTT business, but with a bigger platform and more responsibility in Vix in general,” he said.

Vix, based in Miami, also has offices in Mexico and Brazil, among others.

Diario de Hoy (15)