Rocío Sánchez Azuara of TV Azteca: I’ll be doing a project as a producer after 29 years of experience in talk shows

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| April 29, 2022

Rocío Sánchez Azuara Imán Producciones, y productora y conductora de Acércate a Rocío

Nearly three decades endorse the work of the journalist, host and now television producer, Rocío Sánchez Azuara, who announced her return to TV Azteca with Acércate a Rocío, a project which is part of the television station’s partnership with the production company Imán Productions created by Sánchez and fellow producer Andrés Tovar. The show premiered live on April 25 at 6:30pm on Azteca Uno.

“My approach to returning to TV Azteca was through Sandra Smester, VP and general director of Content and Distribution of TV Azteca, with whom we had meetings until closing my coming back now as a production house and general producer of my program, which is a talk show, but with an important evolution: for the first time I will do what I have always wanted with my career, with my experience with other shows such as Cosas de la Vida. It is a program without overtones of violence, it is a space where we can tell our stories in a polite and intelligent way and find solutions,” she commented.

She recalled that 23 years ago TV Azteca assigned her the format for the first time and it became the turning point in the media: “I would have been in this company for 29 years if it had not been for these seven years of pause. The talk show will always exist, it is a very complicated format, but very interesting that I have learned to handle it very well”.

Regarding the content of Acércate a Rocío, she explained that they will be addressing peoples’ day-to-day issues, “it is a popular forum, a Latin platform not only for Mexico, anyone who wants to tell their story needs us, but we will also go to tell it from there. Topics can include domestic violence, medical issues, or psychological repercussions. The theme of mourning will also be addressed because there are many cases of people that we’re unable to say goodbye to loved ones, many from the pandemic. We will deal with these issues with different specialists, not only a lawyer and psychologists but also thanatologists, doctors from different specialties because our network has grown a lot”.

This program will be the first that Rocío, together with Andrés Tovar and his production company Imán Producciones, makes for TV Azteca: “We are creating content, not only Acércate a Rocío, but also the commitment with Sandra Smester is to show other formats with the content of any kind because we have a fairly wide range, this will be for three years and more. We also bring a series, so we are very committed and excited about this opportunity and open to continue working.”

Watch the video interview with Rocío Sánchez here

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