Rolando Nichols of MundoFox: We have to understand the immigration phenomenon to the U.S. West Coast

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| March 27, 2012

Rolando Nichols, VP of News and Production of MundoFox Channel 22 in Los Angeles

Content has to be relevant to the Mexican audience while understanding that U.S. Hispanics in general are different. They see things from a different perspective to that of their relatives or friends who have never emigrated.As a producer or programmer, if you don’t understand the immigration phenomenon to the U.S. West Coast –California, Arizona, Nevada, etc.- you won’t understand the U.S. Hispanic market. That’s the secret.If your programs do well in Los Angeles, you will be successful nationwide. That is not necessarily the case with New York or Miami because the numbers are not there.

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