Rosalind Rotundo about ZAP Novelas: We are impressed with how this concept has been accepted in both free and pay TV and for that reason we are opening the new department VIPFormats

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| June 10, 2016

“We are really impressed with the acceptance that {Wuthering Heights;www1.produ.com/videos/11128}, our first ZAP Novela, has had. It was 100% filmed in 4K in exotic landscapes of Latin America. The adaption to modern times we have made with this literature classic, and the performance of our coproducer, IDEA Audiovisual, has caught everybody’s attention. Actually, Programming managers have thought about promoting the show using the classic’s famous phrases. This campaign will be going out through our social networks,” said Rosalind Rotundo, VP of VIP 2000 TV.She also mentioned that, after noticing how well the concept has been received, they decided to open the VIPFormats department, which will offer its properties as formats, for others to develop them. “Actually, in LA Screenings three format companies showed their interest in our products,” she said.The company is now developing three of the six ZAP Novelas that they have already sold: The Picture of Dorian Gray, Othello and The Beauty and the Beast.“We are finishing LA Screening’s closing details in order to announce soon our ZAP TV Screens in America and our first 3 coproducers,” she added. On a different note, the telenovela Brusko, distributed by VIP 2000 TV in the region, already has TV screens in 11 countries: Venezuela, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Panama, Puerto Rico, El Salvador , Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Honduras, and has premiered in Peru through América TV this month, on prime time.“Our telenovela from India, Buda, did great in this last event, thanks to the success of the biblical and historical period novelas, and managers decided to buy it, because its theme is interesting for everybody. As always, we are grateful with our customers and how receptive they are to our products,” she finalized.

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