Sabbatical Entertainment launches the documentary series Únicos starting with Ukrainian President Volodímir Zelensky

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| August 31, 2022

Zelensky Unicos Sabbatical

Sabbatical Entertainment presents a new exclusive series of documentaries entitled Únicos, about great personalities who have transformed the world.

The new documentaries delve into the lives of music, performing arts, politics, finance, technology titans, and unique people who have and continue to change the world. Únicos series will be releasing five documentaries per year, each one of 30 minutes.

The first installment features Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine, and his incredible life. He went from being a comedian to being a brave leader, bold enough to face and resist an invasion and a war, earning the support and admiration of all. This release of the Únicos series is available for purchase and also is on Amazon Prime.

The following episodes of Únicos, will give details of the careers of prominent figures such as Elvis Presley, and Queen Elizabeth II of England, among others.

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