Samsung TV Plus grows 200% in viewing hours and surpasses 100 channels in Mexico

June 28, 2024

Aline Jabbour, director of Services and Business Alliances for Latin America at Samsung TV Plus

The free streaming platform Samsung TV Plus has exceeded its goal of offering more than 100 FAST channels, aiming to impact consolidated audiences and target groups.

“We recognize the FAST trend as a potential tool to reach new audiences. This is reflected in the acceptance and usage of Samsung TV Plus, which ranks among the top five most-used apps on the brand’s Smart TVs,” said Aline Jabbour, director of Services and Business Alliances for Latin America at Samsung TV Plus.

The platform started with 20 channels and now has 110. Since 2021 to date, it has seen a 200% growth in viewing hours, offering thousands of hours of content. This extensive offering presents an opportunity for agencies and brands to connect with their target audiences through diverse and innovative advertising formats, providing high visibility and becoming part of the discovery and content consumption routines of highly connected and attentive users.

FAST channels have quickly positioned themselves among audiences as a budget-friendly alternative; particularly, Mexico is among the top ten markets prepared for FAST growth. Advertising investment in FAST is expected to reach US$150 million by 2028.

With 14 categories of diversified content, Samsung TV Plus reaches different audience segments, ensuring that advertising messages perfectly align with customers’ interests and consumption habits. From sports to entertainment, movies, lifestyle, kids’ channels, humor, series, and more; our offering guarantees comprehensive coverage of the Mexican market’s preferences.

One of the main advantages of this growth in offerings is the ability to connect with curated content, allowing brands not only to capture the attention of their audiences but also to better understand their consumption habits and behaviors; in addition to the assurance that both the brand and campaigns will be present in a completely safe environment.

“Our commitment is to provide high-quality content to end-users and innovative advertising formats that maximize the impact and relevance of campaigns. Our audiences accept advertising; in fact, 50% of our streamer base consumes content with ads, as they understand the added value this provides, offering high-level, relevant content that complements their entertainment routines,” Jabbour concluded.

Diario de Hoy (15)