Samuel Duque of FoxTelecolombia: El Capo 2 to inaugurate MundoFox

June 28, 2012

Samuel Duque, president of FoxTelecolombia, declared that El Capo 2 is turning out great and that the new Hispanic channel MundoFox would provide an alternative for production companies of the region that satisfy the Hispanic market with programming with another focus. El Capo 2 will inaugurate MundoFox in the US within the next few weeks. Other series that have been produced by FoxTelecolombia will be included in the schedule of the new channel. “The Hispanic market in the US needed a new focus for its programming and I think that this will be received well by many production houses like us that aim to bring new things to the Hispanics in the US” said Samuel Duque a PRODU during the MundoFox upfront in New York.

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