Kirstie Swain, scriptwriter of the new series Pure (6×45’), that is already aired in the UK on Channel 4, highlights that this content has elements, such as true friendship and romance that make it ideal for audiences worldwide.
The series, starring the new actress Charly Clive, focuses on a 24-year-old woman who has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and is seeking balance.
Clive comments that she has received good reviews on the series, both from people who suffer from the illness and from many who were unaware of the existence of this disorder. They haven’t confirmed a second season yet.
“This mental disorder is not something that has been addressed often on TV,” comment Swain and Clive.
The series, despite having comedy elements, deals in a sensitive way with the topic of OCD.
Both Swain and Clive highlighted the numerous female talent involved in the making of the show, which is another point in their favor to make it relatable.